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Primary insiders

Stock exchange notices available at:

1. Board of directors

Morthen Johannessen, including fully owned companies
144,594 shares (0.3%)

Ingeborg Molden Hegstad, including fully owned companies
29,331 shares (0.1 %)

Cathrine Laksfoss
8,940 shares (0.0 %)

Audun Nordtveit
26,801 shares (0.1%)

Pål Wibe
2,373 shares (0.0%)

2. The group executive management

Jacob Tveraabak, including fully owned companies
CEO StrongPoint ASA
250,146 shares (0.6%)

Marius Drefvelin
CFO StrongPoint ASA
21,364 shares (0.0%)

Julius Stulpinas
SVP Technology & Supply chain
49,321 shares (0.1%)

Rimantas Mažulis
SVP Baltics
44,951 shares (0.1%)

Lorena Gómez
SVP Spain
35,119 shares (0.1%)

Knut Olav Nyhus Olsen
SVP People & Organisation
46,995 shares (0.1%)

Magnus Rosén
SVP Sweden
27,307 shares (0.1%)

Alex Eveleigh
SVP StrongPoint ALS UK & Ireland
0 shares (0%)